It’s all about drinkability.
We brew clean, balanced beers from carefully selected malts and hops. Our favorite styles are classic German lagers—beers whose flavor profiles and appeal have stood the test of time. We affectionately call them “beer-flavored beers.” However, brewing on a farm does have it’s benefits. Throughout the year, we use the family orchards for peach, persimmon and pawpaw beers. Other local ingredients include spruce tips (Spruce Tip Lager), honey (Honey Cream Ale and Honey Bock), maple sap (Maple Sap Cream Ale) and syrup (Maple Baltic Porter). Our goal is still the same—make it drinkable. It’s worth saying that all our beers are also unfiltered for the best flavor.
Helles. Pilsner. Dunkel. These are some of our staples, our true north, and the base from which future experimentation originates.